Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Student Questions- Getting Started

Hi Kristie, I'm working on my first assignment. I've read once you submit your first assignment you can request a student page. The info you set above "Username:******, password: *****" Is this my personal page or info to log into the website. Are student records kept on your site or do we receive all comments and corrections through email? Trying to get familiar with the resources so I have smooth sailing.

Kindly, D

Dear D,

For now this is the site that all students access. As I change things to the new system each student will have their own page where they will access their materials from. Right now, as each student completes their first assignment (or requests it) I do also set up for them an additional personal student page where they can access their corrected assignments and view their progress in the course. This is password protected for each student so only you can access your records. This will be a different password than the one you use to access the course.

I used to send assignments through e-mail but too many e-mails with attachments get lost. I answer questions via e-mail but all corrections and comments are done via the student page now. I upload my comments into your exam or assignment and convert it to PDF and then upload it to the page.

Great job getting to know your way around! This will really help you accomplish things much more quickly and experience a lot less confusion.

Blessings & Health,

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